Trademark registration is the legal process of protecting a brand name, logo, or slogan by obtaining exclusive rights to use it. This allows the owner of the trademark to prevent others from using similar marks in the same field. Therefore, preventing any sort of confusion in the marketplace.
When we talk about trademark registration, many businesses find it a very overwhelming process. Well, it sure is if you are doing it yourself. But instead of taking care of the hassle yourself, you can hire experts like AMpuesto to take care of it for you. Here's how you can get started with Trademark registration with us.
There are many types of Trademark like Wordmark, Logo(Device Mark), Sound, Image, Three Dimensional Mark, Motion Mark, Position Mark, Pattern Mark.
Govt Fees is Rs 4500 in case of Indidual, MSME registered Entity, Start-Up Recognised Entity and Rs 9000 for all other applicant.
Yes, An applicant can file the trademark application in any class for their Brand. While filing their application, your business nature and categories must be considered.
It is valid for a period of 10 years but it is renewable indefinately. You just need to pay the renewal fees every time you apply.
After filing the application, Trademark department will issue TM Number. After that you use TM with your Brand.
In case your Trademark application is objected by Trademark Department, You can contact us for further proceedings. Our team will assist you to file the clarification against your Trademark.
No, registering Company does not protect your brand identity. You will have to file Trademark Application for the brand protection
AMPUESTO will help you in registering Trademark Application with the best possible class after discussion with you. You just need to simply complete the small form and our team will call you and help you in registering your Trademark Application in a very cost effective way.